2015: año de mucho aprendizaje

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Woah! El 2015 fue un año de muchas experiencias en mi vida. Este año, que casi termina, fue tan productivo, en el sentido en que aprendí dos lecciones que no había incorporado en mi vida: no aferrarme a las cosas materiales y que cuando dejas que Dios (Alá, Budá, Karma, Madre Tierra o como le llames) se encargue de las cosas, Él te da respuestas sorprendentes. Creánme, mi vida ha dado un vuelco de 360 grados a la inversa. 

Al principio, fue muy dificil. Por ejemplo, renunciar a un trabajo porque no te sientes cómoda- pese a que tienes una necesidad económica- fue un hecho que hice sin tapujos y sin temores. Mucha gente dijo: "¿Estás segura, Vivi? Tú sabes que el empleo es escaso en este país". Pero, yo les respondí:"La vida es muy corta para mortificarme la existencia en un trabajo donde no me siento cómoda. Yo sé que Dios tiene mejores planes para mí". 

Y así fue! se me presentó la oportunidad de trabajar para una sede diplomática. Me sentí agradecida por esa oportunidad y aprendí muchísimas cosas. Sin embargo, se convirtió en un trabajo temporal. Me puse triste. Incluso, lloré por ello. Después recordé que los empleos no son de nadie. No te pertenecen ni a tí ni a tu jefe. Tú solo estás de paso y Dios me puso en ese lugar para aprender algunas cosas. Acepté la disposición del Creador y me dije:"Dios tiene planes para mí. Él tiene control de mi vida". NO ME DECEPCIONÓ.

Me dió una segunda oportunidad de estudiar inglés por cinco semanas en un curso intensivo. Gracias a Dios y a ese curso, mañana estaré firmando un nuevo contrato laboral con la empresa. Es impresionante! He dejado que las cosas fluyan, sin aferrarme a ellas y ha dado resultado. Es dificil pero no imposible. 

Gracias a ello, también me he alejado de las personas que son tóxicas. Vamos, ya sentía que todo iba en decadencia con ciertas personas. Me he alejado de ellas y me siento muy bien. Este año me ha demostrado que todo se puede! Ha sido un año de mucho aprendizaje. Confio que el próximo 2016 sea mucho mejor que este y que siga en este curso de lecciones, llamado vida. 

High & Low: bye bye season one!!!

viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015

First, Merry Christmas to everyone! XD I hope you enjoyed your holiday with your family and friends. Then, I'm going to talk about last chapters of High & Low! While I'm writing, I feel  a mix of feelings: I'm happy because EXILE HIRO and his group showed us all they can do it! I admire them! They're very talented and it was a great BIG PROJECT and... DAMN!! IT WAS A BIG IDEA!! Also, I'm sad because this is my last opinion about High & Low season 1. If you've not watched these chapters... PLEASE DON'T READ IT!!!! :D:D:D I will give you many spoiler and It doesn't worth it! eh?? So, here I go...
People didn't believe me when I said that Norihisa was a crazy man! He's a cruel dude! I felt pain when he destroyed a gangster's arm D: He's creepy, I thought Daruma and Kowloon had a contract: they helped to Norihisa came back to Daruma's and his group would destroy all SWORD groups. I was afraid  when Darumas arrived to HEAVEN. I said: "Damn, poor Rocky!", Then, I watched all White Rascals members were uninjured :)

Darumas attacked Hoodlum Squad zone. We could see diffferent fights there. I loved Daruma fight techniques.  Oh, they attacked when they listen drums, It was interesting <3 I would like to watch more about Norihisa and Cobra's fight! but all was interrrupted when  Rude boys, White Rascals, Oyaku High School arrived in building because they wanted to take revenge against Daruma and then....

Noboru... ah,poor dude. I never understood why he took this decision and Kowloon group gave him a gun because they wanted to kill Cobra and Yamato because they were mad  about factory case. I could understand It was a great chance for Noboru. If he had killed Cobra and Yamato, He would have come back to Kowloon group, I think Noboru was confused about his situation. I mean, he had a lot of rancor in his heart because all bad things he lived in his live and when He was in prision. He forgot Cobra and Yamato were with him, They never abandoned him. I cried a lot. I couldn't stop to cry! It was full drama and other gangster watched all  there hahahahahahaha.

When I watched last scene, I jumped on my chair because It scared me. I didn't imagine if It could happen with Noboru, I know Kwoloon group would be a new Cobra's enemies but I'd never imagined it would be unexpected. I've watched twice and It was awesome. I think Noboru is dead or maybe, he could be in comma. Hey!!!! Tsukumo woke up D: My question is: Could we watch a fight between Kohaku and Amamiya Bros? I hope we can watch it on second season. Also,  Junko is dating with Masaki, isn't she?

Finally, Mighty Warriors appeared in scene. I was surprised with Naomi's character, I think I will love Sarah's character. She looks a fighter. I'm sure she will fight on second season and I can't wait for that!

High & Low: Destroy the factory!

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

I'm here again because I need to talk about my obssesion: High & Low and I need to share with you all my thoughts about Episode 8. Please, if you've not watched this episode, PLEASE DON'T READ! I will give a lot of spoiler and It won't my fault!! After my warn, Here I go...

I loved how Yamato, Tetsu and Dan destroyed fu**** drugs factory, my friends. Drugs are bad! I liked when Yamato destroyed it and he thought about all consequences: how Naomi was victim because White Rascals attacked Itokan (uhhh I know This is love eh? <3). Also, Chiharu helped destroying all products.

Did you see Shion's face when Smokey appeared in Factory? It was EPICNESS. Also, Rocky and his men appeared in factory. Shion was a bad member. Poor Smokey! He was to resolve this tension. He is sick :( I'm sure He will die :(  I think Lara was involved in this problem and Smokey didn't know. Shion could protect her too D:

The worst part of this problem was for Noboru. Ah, poor dude! Believe me, I talked with my friends about him on twitter and we're sad for him. Kowloon Group is not happy because their business is broken. I'm sure COBRA will try to save him... I don't know how! Noboru is victim of his own decisions.

 Ah, finally we can watch Amamiya Brothers, Masaki. Now, we know women are his weakness. Ah, Junko found a her lover hahahahahaha! Junko, I envy you #okno Masaki is a player: he doesn't care if you are a girly, tomboy, rude or whatever... if you are a woman, he will try to pick you up! hahahahaha. He looks more sociable. I think he's a good person with women but he is a bastard with men. Did you see how he saw to Yoshiki and his friends? It was like a "Don't try to fight against with me because I will kill you and your m***** friends" D: He's scary but  I need a man like him. I said it on my social networks #okno  But Masaki is so funny... It's a shame EXILE Takahiro is Masaki's actor.  I don't have any problem with him but he freaks me out hahahahaaha. My friends say: "Vivi, You will love him. He will conquer your heart" D:

 I will dedicate to talk about Takahiro in another post xD. But I'm MasakixJunko shipper hahahahaha. I love how Junko is so rude with men but she sees they are handsome and she changes her face. It's so funny!! Then, we can watch Norihisa, Daruma's leader!! D: He's a crazy dude and I could watch on next chapter: His clan will try to conquer other zones of G-Sword D: It would be craziness!!

Pd: Photos aren't mine. The user qipaos on Tumblr is owner of these images :)

High & Low: Chiharu's boss- Noboru

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Hello, again! I'm going to talk about High & Low episode 7. If you've not watched this chapter. Please don't read it :D:D:D:D It will be  SPOILER, SPOILER AND SPOILER. I Here I go...

I'm very happy because I discovered Chiharu isn't sincere with Hoodlum Squad and he works for someone. I was shocked when I realized Chiharu works for Noboru interests. Believe me, I guess he works for another gang group. I suspect Kowloon group didn't know about this alliance between Chiharu and Noboru.

I think Noboru is like a "Sasuke" in serie. If I don't get mistake, Cobra called him because he wants Noboru comes back again. Noboru doesn't want and he would rather to work with Kowloon Group. I think Cobra and Yamato feel sad for that.

Chiharu discovered Shion copied all information about drug customers in micro SD. Now, We know why micro SD is so important in H&L xD Now, I think Shion is infiltrated member in Rude Boys. If  someone is loyal to his group, why did he copy this information? Why do you give this information to another group? When I talked with my friends on Twitter about this chapter, they told me that Smokey didn't know about micro SD when he fought against Yamato. So,It's so strange...

Also, Did Lara know about this information? Is she betraying to her brother? D: Rocky is not happy with this. I could see drugs are affecting to his group and his business: Heaven. Episode 8 will be interesting: White Rascals will go to Rude Boys zone. Probably, they will fight against to them. And, I'm sure Smokey will die in H&L. He looks so sick. I know there are many Smokey's fans :( poor dude!

AND.... finally, we know Daruma are guilty about Tsukumo's health D: I remember Adeline told me that there are two differents fights and  camera was lying us and I didn't believe her because I was sure Amamiya "Hot" Brothers are guilty about his health condition. ERROR. Now,What will Kohaku do? How will he take revenge for that? Could Tsukumo get well soon?

 Masaki's fans will be happy because he will appear on next chapter. Amamiya "Hot" brothers are very mysterious. If Mugen disbanded for unknown causes, What do they do? Which interests do they have?  Why do they appear in strange circunstances? and Mighty Warriors... Why do they hide in shadows? Damn! I wanna watch Bernie x3, ICE, and other members.