2015: año de mucho aprendizaje

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Woah! El 2015 fue un año de muchas experiencias en mi vida. Este año, que casi termina, fue tan productivo, en el sentido en que aprendí dos lecciones que no había incorporado en mi vida: no aferrarme a las cosas materiales y que cuando dejas que Dios (Alá, Budá, Karma, Madre Tierra o como le llames) se encargue de las cosas, Él te da respuestas sorprendentes. Creánme, mi vida ha dado un vuelco de 360 grados a la inversa. 

Al principio, fue muy dificil. Por ejemplo, renunciar a un trabajo porque no te sientes cómoda- pese a que tienes una necesidad económica- fue un hecho que hice sin tapujos y sin temores. Mucha gente dijo: "¿Estás segura, Vivi? Tú sabes que el empleo es escaso en este país". Pero, yo les respondí:"La vida es muy corta para mortificarme la existencia en un trabajo donde no me siento cómoda. Yo sé que Dios tiene mejores planes para mí". 

Y así fue! se me presentó la oportunidad de trabajar para una sede diplomática. Me sentí agradecida por esa oportunidad y aprendí muchísimas cosas. Sin embargo, se convirtió en un trabajo temporal. Me puse triste. Incluso, lloré por ello. Después recordé que los empleos no son de nadie. No te pertenecen ni a tí ni a tu jefe. Tú solo estás de paso y Dios me puso en ese lugar para aprender algunas cosas. Acepté la disposición del Creador y me dije:"Dios tiene planes para mí. Él tiene control de mi vida". NO ME DECEPCIONÓ.

Me dió una segunda oportunidad de estudiar inglés por cinco semanas en un curso intensivo. Gracias a Dios y a ese curso, mañana estaré firmando un nuevo contrato laboral con la empresa. Es impresionante! He dejado que las cosas fluyan, sin aferrarme a ellas y ha dado resultado. Es dificil pero no imposible. 

Gracias a ello, también me he alejado de las personas que son tóxicas. Vamos, ya sentía que todo iba en decadencia con ciertas personas. Me he alejado de ellas y me siento muy bien. Este año me ha demostrado que todo se puede! Ha sido un año de mucho aprendizaje. Confio que el próximo 2016 sea mucho mejor que este y que siga en este curso de lecciones, llamado vida. 

High & Low: bye bye season one!!!

viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015

First, Merry Christmas to everyone! XD I hope you enjoyed your holiday with your family and friends. Then, I'm going to talk about last chapters of High & Low! While I'm writing, I feel  a mix of feelings: I'm happy because EXILE HIRO and his group showed us all they can do it! I admire them! They're very talented and it was a great BIG PROJECT and... DAMN!! IT WAS A BIG IDEA!! Also, I'm sad because this is my last opinion about High & Low season 1. If you've not watched these chapters... PLEASE DON'T READ IT!!!! :D:D:D I will give you many spoiler and It doesn't worth it! eh?? So, here I go...
People didn't believe me when I said that Norihisa was a crazy man! He's a cruel dude! I felt pain when he destroyed a gangster's arm D: He's creepy, I thought Daruma and Kowloon had a contract: they helped to Norihisa came back to Daruma's and his group would destroy all SWORD groups. I was afraid  when Darumas arrived to HEAVEN. I said: "Damn, poor Rocky!", Then, I watched all White Rascals members were uninjured :)

Darumas attacked Hoodlum Squad zone. We could see diffferent fights there. I loved Daruma fight techniques.  Oh, they attacked when they listen drums, It was interesting <3 I would like to watch more about Norihisa and Cobra's fight! but all was interrrupted when  Rude boys, White Rascals, Oyaku High School arrived in building because they wanted to take revenge against Daruma and then....

Noboru... ah,poor dude. I never understood why he took this decision and Kowloon group gave him a gun because they wanted to kill Cobra and Yamato because they were mad  about factory case. I could understand It was a great chance for Noboru. If he had killed Cobra and Yamato, He would have come back to Kowloon group, I think Noboru was confused about his situation. I mean, he had a lot of rancor in his heart because all bad things he lived in his live and when He was in prision. He forgot Cobra and Yamato were with him, They never abandoned him. I cried a lot. I couldn't stop to cry! It was full drama and other gangster watched all  there hahahahahahaha.

When I watched last scene, I jumped on my chair because It scared me. I didn't imagine if It could happen with Noboru, I know Kwoloon group would be a new Cobra's enemies but I'd never imagined it would be unexpected. I've watched twice and It was awesome. I think Noboru is dead or maybe, he could be in comma. Hey!!!! Tsukumo woke up D: My question is: Could we watch a fight between Kohaku and Amamiya Bros? I hope we can watch it on second season. Also,  Junko is dating with Masaki, isn't she?

Finally, Mighty Warriors appeared in scene. I was surprised with Naomi's character, I think I will love Sarah's character. She looks a fighter. I'm sure she will fight on second season and I can't wait for that!

High & Low: Destroy the factory!

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

I'm here again because I need to talk about my obssesion: High & Low and I need to share with you all my thoughts about Episode 8. Please, if you've not watched this episode, PLEASE DON'T READ! I will give a lot of spoiler and It won't my fault!! After my warn, Here I go...

I loved how Yamato, Tetsu and Dan destroyed fu**** drugs factory, my friends. Drugs are bad! I liked when Yamato destroyed it and he thought about all consequences: how Naomi was victim because White Rascals attacked Itokan (uhhh I know This is love eh? <3). Also, Chiharu helped destroying all products.

Did you see Shion's face when Smokey appeared in Factory? It was EPICNESS. Also, Rocky and his men appeared in factory. Shion was a bad member. Poor Smokey! He was to resolve this tension. He is sick :( I'm sure He will die :(  I think Lara was involved in this problem and Smokey didn't know. Shion could protect her too D:

The worst part of this problem was for Noboru. Ah, poor dude! Believe me, I talked with my friends about him on twitter and we're sad for him. Kowloon Group is not happy because their business is broken. I'm sure COBRA will try to save him... I don't know how! Noboru is victim of his own decisions.

 Ah, finally we can watch Amamiya Brothers, Masaki. Now, we know women are his weakness. Ah, Junko found a her lover hahahahahaha! Junko, I envy you #okno Masaki is a player: he doesn't care if you are a girly, tomboy, rude or whatever... if you are a woman, he will try to pick you up! hahahahaha. He looks more sociable. I think he's a good person with women but he is a bastard with men. Did you see how he saw to Yoshiki and his friends? It was like a "Don't try to fight against with me because I will kill you and your m***** friends" D: He's scary but  I need a man like him. I said it on my social networks #okno  But Masaki is so funny... It's a shame EXILE Takahiro is Masaki's actor.  I don't have any problem with him but he freaks me out hahahahaaha. My friends say: "Vivi, You will love him. He will conquer your heart" D:

 I will dedicate to talk about Takahiro in another post xD. But I'm MasakixJunko shipper hahahahaha. I love how Junko is so rude with men but she sees they are handsome and she changes her face. It's so funny!! Then, we can watch Norihisa, Daruma's leader!! D: He's a crazy dude and I could watch on next chapter: His clan will try to conquer other zones of G-Sword D: It would be craziness!!

Pd: Photos aren't mine. The user qipaos on Tumblr is owner of these images :)

High & Low: Chiharu's boss- Noboru

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Hello, again! I'm going to talk about High & Low episode 7. If you've not watched this chapter. Please don't read it :D:D:D:D It will be  SPOILER, SPOILER AND SPOILER. I Here I go...

I'm very happy because I discovered Chiharu isn't sincere with Hoodlum Squad and he works for someone. I was shocked when I realized Chiharu works for Noboru interests. Believe me, I guess he works for another gang group. I suspect Kowloon group didn't know about this alliance between Chiharu and Noboru.

I think Noboru is like a "Sasuke" in serie. If I don't get mistake, Cobra called him because he wants Noboru comes back again. Noboru doesn't want and he would rather to work with Kowloon Group. I think Cobra and Yamato feel sad for that.

Chiharu discovered Shion copied all information about drug customers in micro SD. Now, We know why micro SD is so important in H&L xD Now, I think Shion is infiltrated member in Rude Boys. If  someone is loyal to his group, why did he copy this information? Why do you give this information to another group? When I talked with my friends on Twitter about this chapter, they told me that Smokey didn't know about micro SD when he fought against Yamato. So,It's so strange...

Also, Did Lara know about this information? Is she betraying to her brother? D: Rocky is not happy with this. I could see drugs are affecting to his group and his business: Heaven. Episode 8 will be interesting: White Rascals will go to Rude Boys zone. Probably, they will fight against to them. And, I'm sure Smokey will die in H&L. He looks so sick. I know there are many Smokey's fans :( poor dude!

AND.... finally, we know Daruma are guilty about Tsukumo's health D: I remember Adeline told me that there are two differents fights and  camera was lying us and I didn't believe her because I was sure Amamiya "Hot" Brothers are guilty about his health condition. ERROR. Now,What will Kohaku do? How will he take revenge for that? Could Tsukumo get well soon?

 Masaki's fans will be happy because he will appear on next chapter. Amamiya "Hot" brothers are very mysterious. If Mugen disbanded for unknown causes, What do they do? Which interests do they have?  Why do they appear in strange circunstances? and Mighty Warriors... Why do they hide in shadows? Damn! I wanna watch Bernie x3, ICE, and other members.

PSY has saved to YG!!!!!!

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015
It's incredible! I can't believe!! YG had taken the worst decisions in this year. You know, first they destroyed Big Bang's comeback when they decided to divide album in 4 parts. Obviously, MADE didn't has great impact when they were in music tv programs, like Inkigayo and other sh*ts like that.

Then, They didn't 2ne1 comeback, like all people want it! No, they decided to waste time and money with CL's US Debut HAHAHAAHAHAA I remember CL's MV "hello bitches" and I laughed so hard when I saw it!! Poor, Bom, Minzy and Dara. They need space to make their music. Come on, American don't like asian artists! If they want a nasty singer, they have Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea and etc.

Believe me, I feel so happy Epik High didn't make something in this year. Probably, YG would destroyed all TABLO's plans.But, when I thought all is lost for YG Entertaintment, PSY appears with their seventh production and his video "Daddy". You know he did weird MV but... sh*t! This song is very good!! This song is better than "Gentleman". HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA This man has saved YG Entertainment.


High & Low: Who is your boss, Chiharu?

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015
I swore I'm here again! Now, I'm going to talk about episode 6:RUDE BOYS. Please If you've not watched this chapter. Please, don't read jaajajajaja I will give you SPOILER, SPOILER... and SPOILER.
Well, I did my warning so, I can continue with my explanation. This chapter was interesting because we can watch RUDE BOYS. Woah! I loved their techniques! And we listened GENE's song.  My friends and I want to get their High & Low's OST. Hey! I need "Whiteout" in my cellphone.
Also, we can watch Dan followed to Lara (yeah! Finally I confirmed Karen's character name) and he discovered she is Smokey's sister. He's Rude Boys leader.
But,I was surprised about the first scene of this chapter: Chiharu run away when he realized Yamato found micro sd. Why did he run away? My friends and I suspect he's a infiltrated in Hoodlum Squad. When the story began,  HS had had a lot of problems and it's a strange coincidentce Chiharu was involved all of them.

Beside of I suspect of him because when Dan and Lara went to HEAVEN, there is a dude with black hood... Who is he? I talked on Twitter and it's possible the guy was Chiharu or Chiharu's boss.  My friends told me Chiharu could be a Amamiya Bros. member because Hiroto defeated him against gang guys who wanted to fight with him.  Also, if you check Chiharu's image you could see he wears a shirt who has three eagles. It's strange Amamiya Bros. has a same logo: 3 eagles.

In the end of this chapter,  Dan told to Hoodlum Squad  that he saw to Chiharu with a dude with black hood in the factory and COBRA got mad (when he gets mad, he has a sexy face lool). Mhm, so I remembered the dude with black hood... It's possible he could be same person. There is something more interesting that this: If you check this image, you can see all teams. We see almost of all but we don't know about DOUBT!!

I realized about it when I checked my facebook. So, If Chiharu works for Doubt? And if we think DOUBT is owner of factory? It would be interesting and finally, we will watch all teams in High & Low. It's my theory about Chiharu's boss and why I think he's not a innocent guy how we see him in Hoodlum Squad... when I saw COBRA's face, I guess he knows there are many strange things around his group since Chiharu appared in their lives.

My opinion about High & Low

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Finally, people! I'm going to talk about HIGH & LOW: The story of S.W.O.R.D XD Believe me, I wanted to talk about that here but I've been very busy with my duties but I'm here :). First, I wanna say I've watched all 5 episodes in japanese. I don't care if I understand or not xD, I wanna watch it all weeks!
Well, I'm surprised about Gun chan's transformation: we know he's a "charming prince" for many japanese and international fans. His character, COBRA, is awesome. He looks more adult. Besides, COBRA looks like a strategic man who protects his group, Hoodlum Squad. Also, He is worried about his best friend, Noboru.
COBRA's friends are interesting, too. Believe me, I'm grateful with producer who put Sato Taiki in the serie. Obviously, I met him in EXILE TRIBE but I didn't have some information about him until he appears in H&L (I don't know if he is in Genkidan) . Thanks!!!

I declare I'm YAMATO X NAOMI shipper JAJAJAJAAJAJAJA! They did a great couple and you can see there is something between them. You know, I don't like to talk about asian girlbands because I don't care about them but Shuuka is beautiful, dudes. I don't understand why she hasn't boyfriend. *-* She is so attractive.Also, Junko is amazing character. I think she's a EX Family fangirl's personification. Poor dudette, she has a bad luck with handsome guys but they don't care about her. But she is so rude with them. Ah... I think the difference between her and me (or latin EXFamily) is: she didn't close to them but we will close to them.... We live like stalkers jajajaja

Then, I'm falling in love of Yamada Yuuki's character in H&L<3. If I'm not wrong but his group is "Oyakokowaru" (I listened this name but I'm not sure). I think he reminded me when I was a teen. Yeah, I loved to fight with all people jajajajajaja. His fight against Cobra was awesome!! This was a fight between men!! I loved it

aww Keiji's group, White Rascals, are cute. I like they look like a "dandies". Rocky is a PIMP. I love them. I hope Rocky will fight against Cobra. I didn't realized but someone told me Rocky's members have a jrock band called "Golden Bomb". I like them. I like a GB's member but I don't know his name.

After 5 episodes, I think It would be more interesting because there are mysterious characters like Mighty Warriors (ELLY, Alan, Sway and etc), The Rude Boys (I think they will debut in this week),  Kenchi's organization and Fuuji Karen's character ( I think her name is Lara but I'm not sure again). I felt so sad because we knew about Noboru's story.  He was fall in love of the girl and these motherf*****! I think If I were him, I would kill them too! These guys are piece of sh*t.

High & Low promises It would be a interesting serie. In my personal opinion, I like it because It's not common people make series like gangstars and bad boys. You know, It's unusual. I'm happy because I've seen more interest to subs and International EXFamily want to participate on it. I like it! I hope High & Low would be a door for EXILE around the world! :)  I know, this post is like a verbal vomit hahahahahahaahhahaa I need to talk about all characters. I promise I will post more about this serie, maybe someone wants to watch it.

SJ : ten years of tears, laughs and success

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

SJ and ELF are celebrating!!! Ah, the group who were underestimated for SM entertainment and for everyone has 10 years. Since they debuted in 2005, Super Junior has  grown up like artists and men. People don't trust them because they thought  SJ will be a copy to TXVQ- whom they were famous in Asia-.But they had to shut up because SJ worked through own image. They didn't need to copy other kpop bands. They build their trademark. Now, we  can see their success.
K-ELF protected them when SM wanted to change members because they thought SJ was a fail kpop group. Thanks to them, International ELF can see them and support them.  We've fought against other fandoms (please include me... I've fought against VIP and Losers too on twitter loooool) and they know We are bad ass jajajajaja.

In these ten years, SJ had done many mistakes. ELF had to support them. Sometimes, fandom forget they're not only idols. They're humans too. And they need to be happy: date, get married, have kids and etc like us. So, I hope ELF grow up soon too hahahaha.

  Now, many SJ members are in army and the youngest SJ members will go to the army soon. People talk about HIATUS but they forget oldest members will be active for next 2 years. I'm proud to be ELF because they've showed me that kpop fandom will be more than fangirls. For example, ELF build a school in Africa and they make many social projects in their countries.
. I'm proud of my boys, my angels because they taught me you never give up and you need to work had to get your goals. Maybe I wasn't active ELF when they debuted but I will be ELF until the end.
Thanks guys!!! Congrats for your ten years of tears, laughs and work hard and Congrats ELF because if you aren't here, maybe they wouldn't be here!!

50 facts about Viviana Sinclair (Part. 1)

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015
Well, It's time you know more about me XD

1. I live in El Salvador, Central America. Not Salvador de Bahía (Brazil)
2. I speak spanish. I'm proud of that because it's a complicated language. Ah, I speak spanglish too
3. I don´t have any brothers or sisters.
4. My favorite colors are: blue, black and silver.
5. I have a dog and two parrots
6. I'm bookworm. I love to read a lot.
7.My favorite anime characters are Griffith (Berserk), Joseph Joestar (Jojo's) and Lelouch (Code Geass)
8. I use glasses since I was 13.
9. I can't stand liar people and hypocrites.
10. When I was a girl, I wanted to be a astronomer.
11. I love boats. I like galleons
12. My british platonic love is David Bowie.
13. Music is important part of  my life.
14. My humor is so sarcastic  but I'm chill.
15. My  favorite tv series are Daria (nananana!), aeon flux, The Sopranos
16. I love scary movies but I hate them when I can't sleep.
17. My favorite actors are Sean Connery, Byung Hun Lee, Ha Ji Won and Catherine Zeta Jones.
18. I like asian boys.
19. I love converseee!
20. I believe in reencarnation.
21.When I was a girl, I saw fairies in my house.  o.o
22. I've watched soccer matches since I was 6.
23. My "all time" favorite soccer player is Rivaldo. (yeah... I don't like Cristiano... bleh)
24. I'm graduated Social Communication. I love my profession.
25. I like to speak english.
26. I'm sociable in social networks but ironically, I'm very shy in my real life.
27. I've traveled through my country and Guatemala....  I want to travel around the world too
28. Most of my best friends are men. So, poor of them when I begin to fangirl about other dudes.
29. I don't like chocolat
30. When I'm interested in a guy, first I see his eyes and his gaze. I like men who have a deep gaze.
31. I don't like alcohol.
32. I don't like to go at disco or places like those. I would rather to go at restaurant or cafe.
34. Sometimes, I think I was a man in my past life.
35. I like rock/gothic/punk look and accesories.
36. I like bizarre/gore art.
37. My favorite painter is Caravaggio.
38. Saint Seiya was my first anime I'd watched in my life.
39. I like to buy albums of my favorite boybands (Asian music)
40. I'm falling love of James Bond.
41. I like tattoos and piercings. But I don't have any.
42.The song of my life is "True" by Spandau Ballet.
43. My favorite perfumes are Woman by Hugo Boss and Ck1
44. I'm instagram and pinterest addicted.
45. I like to stalk to my favorite artists ( Instagram.... jajaja ask me about what do Exile members do in this moment? jajajaja)
46. I cried when I was reading "The Count of Montecristo"
47. My favorite writers are MEN. They are Alejandro Dumas, Arturo Pérez Reverte, Tomás Eloy Martínez, Truman Capote etc.
48.My cellphone is LG.
49. I like to eat lemon.... 
50. My straight hair is natural. I was born with a beautiful hair....people don´t believe me o.o

F(x): The unpriced SM girlband who has a great songs

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
Well, you know I don't talk about girlbands because I don't like them - I don't like women lol- and I think they are stupids and plastics. But the korean girl bands F(x) always surprise me when they do comebacks. When they began their music careers, they sang a typical kpop stupids songs. I remember I listened them and I dislike jajaja.  They're considered "SHINee's female version" for their rhytms,

But they made "Pink Tape" Album (or minialbum?) - I don´t remember- and woah!! you can listen their musical growth. Then, they made "Red Light". It was a surprise to me because I liked many songs of their album. And I think their kinda music is so "underground", they mix differents kinda music and I like it.

Now, they've released "4 Walls" their 4th album - without Sulli because it guess she got out to F(x) because she is Choiza's gf and u know... - and I´m shocked. Their songs are catchy and It´s not usual kpop song. Their voices are mature and u know, I´m fall in love of bizarre or existencial videos and F(x) "4 Walls" is one of them. Please watch it

I´ve listened "4 walls" album and it's very good. I like ZICO- one of the best korean rappers- had colaborated with them in this cd.  And well, I need to show you what is my favorite song in "4 walks". It's "Diamonds"... damn Luna has a great voiceee!! 

It's a shame SM Entertainment doesn't matter their TRUE talents. It would be strange I'm defeating a korean girlband but I think they're show they are not typical kpop idols: plastic, false, singing with playback, their song are a piece of sh*t, etc. For example, how does it possible they give all their support to Red Velvet? Damn, these girls are PLASTIC, they don´t sing anything!!!  It´s horrible F(x) doesn't have any official fandom like "plastic" singers to SM Entertainment.

Chill out music: Funk City by Reatch

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015
Hello, guys!
I've come back with another chill out song. It's Funk City by Reatch. I was walking on the street while I was listening this song. uhh! The dubstep part sounds really good. Yeah, u know I like underground and chill out music.

It is a second time I discover great music thank to Japanistic because he uses these kinda music to explain his live in Japan and he shows you Tokyo streets and life style in Japan. I hope I can go there soon... yeah...

Well, I hope you like it!!

Vivian's underground musician: Simon D.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

I´ve dedicated to talk about kpop idols in my blog. But, today I don't talk about them (it's boring xD) I talk about one of my favorite korean rappers: Simon Dominic. I met his music when I was searching new music for my life. I love his style  and I want to share with you, one of Simon D's favorite song: Lonely Night Ft ELO ( yeah, I would rather listen this version than original). If I don't mistake, he belongs to AOMG group (there are many rappers like J. Park, Beenzino,etc)

I feel so underground with this kinda music because any "capoper" likes korean hip hop and rap because they think guys are ugly and their music is not catchy. PLEASE, BITCH! Maybe they're not handsome boys but I think their music is so good. It's better than many SM music. Really, I can't stand these kinda fans who criticize other kinda music. Please, dudes, Kpop is not only one kinda music in Korea. Well, I hope you like it!

Chill out music: Buddha by Kontekst

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015
I´m back again!
I love music. I think I can't live without it because it's an important part of my life. So, I've decided to share with you one of my chill out's favorite song. It's Buddha by Kontekst. It´s an underground song. This song relaxed to me so much when I was stressed . I discovered it when I was watching a Japanistic's video (yeah, the youtuber who talks about his experience to live in Japan). I hope you like it!

Unfair World in my hands

Ahh,  finally my "Unfair World" single and my october's EXILE MAGAZINE are in my hands. I'm really happy. First, I was worried because It was my first time I buy something from Japan D:  (yes,I had never bought something from there....)  but I was ok!!!!!

Wow, I told you in a post, 3JSB were a love of a first sight! <3
Damn, Cd Japan gave a poster because I bought "Unfair World" in preorder! *-* and, yeah, Kenjiro is mine jajajajaja XD

My kpop hiatus

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015
It's official. I’ve decided to take a kpop hiatus. I’d thought about it a long time ago. I think It’s better. When I become a kpop, many fans were so chill and friendly. Now, they’re become a obssesive kpop fans - not all of them - and If you have a different opinion about  some group or song, they attack to you. They’re so inmature.

Also, I´ve decided to take a hiatus because I don´t have time. There are many things I should to do and.. I can’t stalk them or read all news about them like when I had time.  I  just open my IG and that’s it.

I´ve taken this decision because my favorite kpop group “Super Junior” will go to the army D: So, I need a relax of this kinda of music.I like it but I know I shouldn't live obsessed with them. They get a life, me too.

Married to the music: SHINee came back with other bizarre MV

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015
Ah, finally I´m back!!!!
I need to write in my blog but I don´t have time. My new job don´t let me to breath D: it's horrible. I guess I will continue to work hard for 2 weeks more D: HELP ME!

Well, I wanna talk about SHINee "Married to the Music" MV. Yes, I should  write about it like a month ago but I can´t!!! I like SM always work to create some bizarre videos for SHINee. We watched it  with "Dream Girl" or "Why so serious?" MV. Now,  They came back with a bizarre video! I love "Married to the music" concept and effects! It was awesome when they burn Minho´s face! :O

I remembered I was watching it for many times because the effects are so cool.  And if I talk about song, It's so catchy. I'm falling in love Jjong's voice! jajaja <3  Also, I listened other songs from their repackaged album... woah!! you can see they´ve grown up like singers.

I think SHINee is a few kpop groups you can see their progress. They are versatile, they change their concept, their music... it's awesomee!! I wanna buy this album although I´ve bought ODD ver. A and B and I wanna be a model who wants a guy with Key's face, Taemin's eyes, Onew's nose, Jjong's lips and Minho's body... wait... I don't like Minho.... Can I change Jjong's body and Minho's nose? XD

Sandaime JSB & EXILE: Love at first sight

sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

I acccept they’ve changed my life. I remembered I discovered them because I have a friend who loves EXILE, E-Girls and other japanese pop groups. She posted on her Facebook  Sandaime J Soul Brothers “Dream”MV.  I watched it I like their song. Then I began to search some videos about them and I discovered they are an EXILE´s “subunit”. 

So, I decided to listen some EXILE´s singles and I like them!! I´m fucking in love of them!!! <3  I like their style, their performances, their voices and… damn, the boys are so fucking hot (I promise I will do my favorite EXILE members list in other post)!!! I've learned all their names jajajajajaja!!

But I've found some problems to find EXILE international fans because many people speak japanese :O It's a trouble!! And... damn, Why do japanese  sell their album so expensive? In my f**cking country, we have many problems when we want to buy japanese albums because y´know taxes and other things!!! But, I've bought JSB album "Planet Seven" and I'm waiting for it! I hope my package will come safe!!! D: I will tell you later... maybe I will do some unboxing XD 

My new life!

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015
A month ago, I decided to upload some videos in Youtube. But, you know, the job didn´t let me to continue with my project. Now,  I uploaded my first UNBOXING!!! yey!! It´s the first that I put it in my channel. I felt so exciting!!!

I hope you can follow me because I will do some videos about kpop, manga and anime topics. If you like it, please don´t forget to suscribe to my channel. I'm doing some videos in spanish but I hope I will do it in English xDDDD

Las empresas no me despiden, yo renuncio

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

“¿ Es esto lo que quiero hacer el resto de mi vida?”, me preguntaba  hace una semana, cuando redactaba el noticiero del mediodía para cierto medio de comunicación. Mi sorpresa fue escuchar una vocecita que me dijo “no”. Y no es que deteste mi profesión como periodista. La gente que me conoce sabe que es una pasión que respiro a diario. Pero...

No me sentía cómoda con lo que estaba haciendo para ese medio de comunicación ni con la gente a  mí alrededor. Creo que soy una persona que piensa que el ambiente laboral es muy importante a la hora de desarrollar tu trabajo. Si no me dan espacio para desarrollarme, si me invaden o si quieren llevársela de “graciositos” conmigo, por como soy o lo que pienso, inmediatamente digo: “no, gracias”.

En ese lugar, llegaron a decirme varias veces que “mi trabajo era una mierda”. En otras ocasiones, hicieron bromas pesadas conmigo, tipo “mobbing” y los comentarios misóginos en ese lugar. De verdad, qué asco.  Recuerdo que expresé mi inconformidad con mi jefe pero, al parecer, les seguía el juego a esas personas. 

También, no tenía un contrato fijo de trabajo, no tenía seguro social y llegaba a las 9 de la mañana, salía a las 8 de la noche. No pago de horas extras ni turnos  y el “bullying” laboral.

Así que decidí renunciar porque los ambientes “tóxicos” no me permiten desarrollar mi trabajo como deseo. Además, en vez de convertirse en un placer o en un aprendizaje constructivo, se transforma en una tortura psicológica que te bloquea constantemente.

Las empresas  no me despiden, yo renuncio porque estoy consciente de que como persona y como profesional, yo tengo dignidad. Es cierto que todos estamos necesitados de trabajo, sobretodo en este país de mierda, pero  recuerdo que una vez dije: “Si la clase trabajadora se valorara así misma en este país, no existirían empresas explotadoras y estafadoras”.

Sin embargo, las empresas sigue “contratando” a personas con un salario miserable por grandes obligaciones. Mientras tanto, yo sigo preparándome en mi inglés para conseguir en un trabajo en call center. Ahora, mi mente y mi corazón tienen otros sueños más profundos, muy lejos de permanecer sentada, escribiendo el discurso para una presentadora de noticias. 


domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015
Hey! It´s my first post in english lol. I try to write my blog in this language because I need to practice it xD. Well, a 2 weeks ago, I listened some kpop boy band who did a great single, like a "one hit wonder"  or  boy bands were famous in Japan or Korea but their fame didn't come to America. Both cases, those kpop boy bands were disbanded for many issues. I'm going to talk about three cases.

SMASH: they were awesome. I listened their japanese singles and I liked them . I searched them on google and I realized they debuted on 2008 but they disbanded on last year.SMASH guys had  personal issues and military enlistment (I think It's main problem for male kpop idols). But they were famous in Japan. Well, I decided to post one of SMASH's favorite songs: True Love.  When I was listening this song, I liked it because It's a typical "anime song". I believed they are japanese but they aren't.

Other band were X-5. I discovered them because their song "dangerous" appeared on my youtube channel like recommendation. I liked it I searched them on google I discovered they disbanded and three X-5's members are working in LU;KUS boy band. I like LU:KUS style but I'm not sure if they continue with their activities (if you know something about them, tell me) 

And last one,  I surprised about their disband because I thought they can survive in kpop industry and they were famous in America (well, in Latin America). AllKpop told us about their disband and CEO comments about that.  I'm talking about WONDERBOYZ and their famous song, TARZAN. Their song was one of my favorite ringtones.

Do you know about other kpop band who did an "one hit wonder" or  they were famous and they disbanded? TELL MEEE!

Tres años con SJ: Vamos por más!

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015
Wow! El tiempo ha pasado muy rápido. Hace tres años, no me imaginaba -ni en sueños- que pertenecería a uno de los fandoms kpopers más grandes e internacionales del mundo. Nunca creí que los "chinos" del Mr Simple, lograrían cautivarme-de tal manera- que tendría sus discos y estaría pendiente de ellos en redes sociales. Me siento feliz de pertenecer a este fandom, aunque  no me gustan  algunas  inmadureces de K- ELF y de las "newbies". Este último año, ha sido dificil para  ELF : los chicos están en edad de irse a la army, injusticias en las entregas de premios, peleas con las "LOCAS" y, la gota que derramó el vaso, el casamiento de Sungmin. 

Pese a todo, ELF se mantiene fuerte ante la adversidad y protege a sus "viejos" (somos pleitistas... xD). Probablemente, 2015 sea un año "sabático" para los chicos. Pero, su fandom estará ahi con ellos. En lo personal, espero ser ELF hasta el último día de mi vida. En este aniversario, diré que soy una mujer que está creciendo junto a ellos - en edad y experiencias de vida- y me gusta. Ojalá que, dentro de 10 años, pueda verles y recordar mi juventud -ay no,ya me puse dramática-. 

En mi primer año, fui una ELF activa en reuniones sociales dentro del fandom de mi país. Hoy, ya no puedo hacerlo- porque tengo una vida xD- pero me mantengo activa en twitter ( y le tiro arena a toda LOCA que me ataque). Pero eso no quita mis ganas de querer verlos en persona. Hey! Si, yo quiero verlos .Trabajaré duro por ello. Quiero verles de cerca para comérmelos mejor #okNo XD  También quiero ver a Hangeng y a Kibum de regreso en el grupo. ¿Quién quita que se vayan de la SM y formen su compañía asi con Shinhwa? Mientras espero a que reaccionen, me mantendré firme - y asi como dice una de mis amigas- como una ELFa GORDAAAAAA! lol   Feliz aniversario para mí! Vamos por más!

Kyuline's adventures: Coming sooon!!!!

sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

La palabra "EMOCIONADA" se queda corta para describir lo que sentí cuando me enteré-en esta semana- que la SBS producirá y transmitirá una serie enfocada en las aventuras de la KYULINE en la India.  ¿Se imaginan a esas chuladas disfrutando entre amigos sin actividades de sus respectivos grupos? Ya se viene el cumpleaños de Kyuhyun y de Changmin y ¡Qué dicha celebrarlos con tus Best Friends Forever!

Según las publicaciones de los fandoms, los chicos partirán el martes para las grabaciones en diferentes sitios de la India. Los productores de SBS se han asegurado que los muchachos tengan sus respectivos controles médicos para no enfermarse en dicho país. 

Por si se les ha olvidado, la Kyuline está conformada por cinco miembros: Kyuhyun, el maknae de Super Junior y líder de la agrupación; Changmin, el maknae de TVXQ y mejor amigo de Kyu, al igual Minho, el rapero de SHINee; Lee Jonghyun, el guitarrista de CN Blue y por último, Ryeowook, compañero de Kyuhyun y quien lo metió a su agrupación por ser el  "forever maknae" (recordemos que Kyu no debutó como SJ en 2005, sino un año más tarde).-

También, se ha publicado que participarán Suho de EXO y Sunggyu de INFINITE  en el programa televisivo. Quiero exhortales a que estén pendientes de las imágenes que aparezcan de los chicos. Yo estoy que no me aguanto porque se filtren las primeras fotografías y lo importante:ver el programa con subtitulos. Por cierto, pobre Wookie ya que no podrá estar con ellos...

Soy una mujer mega feliz con este anuncio de SM y de SBS. La Kyuline fue el grupo que descubrí y que me gustaron por quiénes son: jóvenes, talentosos y muy guapos (son unos bombones!). De ellos, mi bias es Changmin: él tiene una voz de ángel, su sonrisa, sus ojos... me mata de amorsh <3 Además, de su cuerpecito... pero, eso es un PLUS. Le tengo un cariño tan especial a ellos porque cada uno tiene sus talentos, sus defectos y su personalidad única. Son adorables!

BASE: la esencia de Kim Jonghyun en un disco

martes, 13 de enero de 2015
Hola, chicos y chicas!
Tenía ratos de no publicar ningún contenido en mi espacio kpoper Pero, estoy contenta de regresar y que mejor que con mi apreciación personal sobre BASE, el  mini disco debut de Kim Jonghyun, integrante de SHINee quien se fogea - en estas semanas- como solista.

Al enterarnos de la noticia, mis amigas y yo debatíamos en Facebook sobre cómo sería el disco de Jonghyun, teniendo en cuenta que su voz es su talento más fuerte. Ellas me comentaban que probablemente sería un album de baladas, similar al "At Gwanghwamum" de Cho Kyuhyun. ERROR. 

Nuestra sorpresa fue escuchar que BASE tiene una mezcla de ritmos R&B, hip hop, pop mezclados con la peculiar voz de "Dino". Es más sorprendente que el mismo artista escribió sus canciones, compuso, arregló y pidió las colaboraciones idóneas para su disco: Whessung, Younha, iRON y Zion T.

Sin temor a equivocarme, BASE es el segundo mini disco que publica la SM sin meterse de lleno en la producción y dándole mucha más libertad a Jonghyun  que ha plasmado su sello personal en la música kpop.

En lo personal, creo que este disco es muy bueno: brinda  un concepto amplio sobre la versatilidad de Jjong a nivel musical, permite que conozcamos al artista en una fase no conocida por muchas fans, etc.  Yo fui de las primeras chicas que solicité ese disco en fisico porque vale la pena tenerlo en nuestras manitas.